B Position – An open side-by-side relationship of partners
wherein both progress in the same direction, either forward
or backward, while remaining square to their tracings. B
Position is distinguished from Crossed Hands Position and D
Position by the manner in which partner’s hands are held.

a. Standard – The man skates on the left side of the team.
The man’s right arm is extended across the woman’s back,
partners clasping right hands at or near the woman’s right
hip. The woman’s left arm is extended across man’s chest,
partners clasping left hands in a location between the man’s
waistline and shoulder line.

b. Reverse – The man skates on the right side of the team.
The man’s left arm is extended across the woman’s back,
partners clasping left hands at or near the woman’s left hip.
The woman’s right arm is extended across the man’s chest,
partners clasping right hands in a location between the man’s
waistline and shoulder line.